Wednesday, November 2, 2011


1Corinthians 4-6
Manual Chapter 35

Paul's 3rd mission was set to order the branches of the church under his care.  In 3 years he went through Taurus mountains, past lakes of Pisidia to Ephesus on Aegean coast ship to Troas and Philippi onto Thessalonia and down the Macedonian Peninsula to Corinth.
He was visited by Abel, Enoch and taught by them.
Corinth had a worldwide reputation in the ancient world for it's immorality.  Located close to two major ports it was subject to many vices.
Corinth was the site of the famous temple of Aphrodite Venus.  1000's of 'preistessess' who were simply prostitutes. 
This is why Paul talks so much about being clean.
If we make it in righteousness we're better than Angels who haven't progressed that far yet.


Helaman 3

46th year some people left Zarahemla cause they were mad.
Because there wasn't much timber they became great at working with cement.  They planted trees.  Did a lot of shipping of wood to each other.
Journals were passed down amongst Nephites.
Helaman did a great job as judge.  Helaman had 2 sons.  Nephi was the eldest and Lehi was the next.
49th year Gadianton was working his evil but the government didn't know.
1000's joined the church that year.  Even 10's of 1000's.
53rd year Helaman died.  Nephi became the judge and was a righteous judge just like his Dad.


August 2011 'One Stalwart Pioneer'

Sara Elvira Eriksen was born in Norway.
She heard the gospel and it sounded familiar even though it was new.  Just like my parents story.
Her father told her not to go to the church.  She went anyway.
When she was 17 she asked for her present to be baptism into the church.  Her Dad said no.
He forced her to leave home but then his heart softened and she went back home after a week.
Finally she was allowed to be baptized.
Then after three more years of working on her father he was finally baptized and well as he mum, youngest brother, sister and her sister's husband.

'Dear Mum and Dad'

When our kids are young adults we still need to help and parent them.  This article was letters from young adults to their parents, thanking them for their examples.


Chapter 9

The creation provided a place where families could live.
The fall provided a way for the family to grow.
The Atonement allows for the family to be sealed together eternally.
The Lord will open a way.  Even when we can't see any possible way.
This means a lot to me right now and really hit home since Dru can't find full time work.
I know I need to trust the Lord and trust that he will help us to find a way, even though I can't really see a way at the moment.
We need to speak wisdom to our kids and avoid fault finding.
I also need to always speak well of Dru infront of the children.
I can do better with fault finding in my kids.  I don't think I'm bad but I'm not 100% and I know I shouldn't.  Sometimes I say 'You're being lazy' and I need to change that kind've talk.
I think I do a good job of always speaking well of Dru to the children.
Sometimes Dru and I have 'words' infront of the kids and we shouldn't.  I need to leave it till they're in bed or work out a way to simply 'talk' about it without getting fired up.
Easier said than done ;)

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